  • 高點知識達護理師雲端課程
  • 醫師國考基礎‧臨床‧甄試課程
  • 物治師雲端課程
  • 放射師雲端課程
肌群 名稱 Origin Insertion Action Nerve
前群 脛前肌
Tibialis anterior
anterior shaft of tibial & fibula; interosseous membrane and superior tibiofibular joint Medial side of Cuneiform ,base of 1st Metatasal bone Ankle dorsiflexion ;inversion Deep
peroneal nerve
Extensor hallucis longus
Base of distal phalanx of great toe Extends big toe and foot ; Inverts foot
Extensor digitorum longus
Extensor expansion of lateral four toes Extends toes and extends foot at ankle
外側群 腓骨長肌
peroneus longus
lateral shaft of fibula, head of fibula Plantar aspect of base of 1st MT and medial cuneiform ; passing deep to long plantar lig ament 1.Plantar flexes and everts foot ; Support laterior longitudinal and transverse arches Superficial peroneal nerve
腓骨短肌 Peroneus brevis Tuberosity of base of 5th MT Dorsiflexes and everts foot ; Supports laterior longitudinal arch
後群 淺層 腓腸肌
Lateral head: post surface of lateral condyle of femur and highest of three facets on lateral condyle. Medial head: post surface of femur above medial condyle Calcaneal tubercle Plantar flexes foo ;Flexes knee Tibial N.
Soleal line and middle third of post border of tibia and upper quarter of post shaft of fibula including neck Calcaneal tubercle Plantar flexion
深層 屈趾長肌
Flexor digitorum longus
Posterior shaft of tibia below soleal line and broad aponeurosis from fibula Base of distal phalanges of lat four toes Flexes distal phalanges of lat four toes and foot at ankle. Supports laterior longitudinal arch
Tibialis posterior
interosseous membrane between tibial and fibula Navicular bone plantar flexion, Inversion
Flexor hallucis longus
posterior fibula between median crest & posterior border, lower intermuscular septum and aponeurosis of flexor digitorum longus Base of distal phalanx of big toe and medial two tendons of flexor digitorum longus Flexes distal phalanx of big toe, ankle dorsiflexion ; Supports medial logitudinal arch
肌群 名稱 Origin Insertion Action Nerve 支配
足背肌 伸趾短肌
Extensor digitorum brevis
Superior surface of anterior calcaneus Four tendons into proximal phalanx of big toe and long extensor tendons to toes 2, 3 and 4 Extends toes when foot fully dorsiflexed Deep
peroneal nerve
Extensor hallucis longus
Base of distal phalanx of great toe Extends big toe and foot ; Inverts foot and tightens subtalar joints
足底肌 內側群 外展拇肌
Abductor hallucis
Medial process of posterior calcaneal tuberosity & flexor retinaculum Medial aspect of base of proximal phalanx of big toe Flexes & abducts big toe; Supports med longitudinal arch Medial plantar N
Flexor hallucis brevis
Cuboid, lateral cuneiform and tibialis posterior insertion over the two remaining cuneiforms Flexes MTP joint of big toe ; Supports med longitudinal arch
Adductor hallucis
Oblique head :base of 2, 3, 4 MTs;Transverse head: plantar MT ligament & deep transverse ligament Adducts & flexes MTP jnt of big toe ; Supports transverse arch
外側群 外展小趾肌Abductor digiti minimi Medial and lateral processes of posterior calcaneal tuberosity Lateral side of base of proximal phalanx of 5th toe and 5th MT Flexes and abducts 5th toe; Supports lateral longitudinal arch Laterior plantar N
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
Base of 5th MT and sheath of peroneus longus Flexes MTP of little toe
中間群 屈趾短肌
Flexor digitorum brevis
Medial process of posterior calcaneal tuberosity Four tendons to four lateral toes to borders of middle phalanx; t endon of flexor digitorum longus pass through them Flexes lat four toes, Supports medial and lateral longitudinal arches Medial plantar N
(= 蹠方肌)Quadratus plantae
Lateral head: tuberosity of calcaneus;medial head:medial side of calcaneus Lateral border
of long flexor tendons
Lateral plantar N
Lateral : cleft between the four tendons of flexor digitorum longus.
Medial : medial aspect of 1st tendon
Dorsal extensor expansion Extend toes at IP jnts and flex MTP joints First: medial plantar N (L4,5).
2~4: deep branch of lateral plantar N (S2,3)
I interossei-plantar of foot
Inferomedial shafts of 3rd , 4th and 5th MTs Medial sides of bases of proximal phalanges with slips to dorsal extensor expansions of 3rd, 4th and 5th toes Adduct 3rd 4th and 5th toes to axis of 2nd toe ; Assist lumbricals in extending IP joints while flexing MTP joints lateral plantar N
骨間背側肌 Interossei-dorsal of foot Bipennate from inner aspects of shafts of all MTs Bases of proximal phalanges and dorsal extensor expansions of medial side of 2nd toe and lateral sides of 2nd , 3rd,and 4th toes Abduct 2nd , 3rd and 4th toes from axis of 2nd toe ; Assist lumbricals in extending IP joints while flexing MTP joints
足底肌 中間群可分淺、中、深三層。
(1) 淺層叫屈趾短肌,位於足底腱膜的深面,遠端分為 4 個肌腱分別至 2~5 趾。
(2) 中層為足底方肌(蹠方肌),起自跟骨結節,止于屈趾長肌腱。
(3) 深層由淺到深排列,分別是 4 塊蚓狀肌, 3 塊骨間蹠側肌和 4 塊骨間背側肌。足趾以第二趾為中心進行 ABDuction 或 ADDuction---- 骨間蹠側肌可讓第 3 ~ 5 趾 ADDuction ;骨間背側肌則讓第 2 ~ 4 趾 ABDuction 。
1.下列何者對足底長韌帶(long plantar ligament)及足底短韌帶(short plantar ligament)的敘述錯誤?<95-2-4>
  1. 足底長韌帶在淺層,足底短韌帶在深層
  2. 足底長韌帶屬於距下關節(subtalar joint)的韌帶
  3. 兩者後面皆附著於跟骨(calcaneus)
  4. 兩者前面皆有附著至骰骨(cuboid)

2.一年輕學生因車禍受傷,造成腓骨頸(neck of fibula)骨折導致經過此處的神經受傷,下列那一功能最可能因此受到影響?<96-1-26>
  1. 膝關節伸直(extension of knee)
  2. 膝關節屈曲(flexion of knee)
  3. 髁關節屈曲(plantarflexion of ankle)
  4. 髁關節背屈(dorsiflexion of ankle)

3.下列何者為造成硬腦膜外出血(epidural hematoma)之最可能原因?<96-2-23>
  1. 大腦動脈環(arterial circle of cerebrum)上血管瘤破裂
  2. 上頜動脈(maxillary artery)出血
  3. 腦膜中動脈(middle meningeal artery)破裂
  4. 大腦前動脈(anterior cerebral artery)出血

4.下列何者的肌腱會從足底長韌帶(long plantar ligament)前端兩附著點間穿過?<97-2-7>
  1. 腓短肌(peroneus brevis)
  2. 腓長肌(peroneus longus)
  3. 脛後肌(tibialis posterior)
  4. 脛前肌(tibialis anterior)

5.一老年女性跌倒,造成股骨頸骨折(fracture of femoral neck)並傷及鄰近構造時,下列何者最不可能發生?<98-1-3>
  1. 大腿極度外展(abduction)
  2. 股神經(femoral nerve)斷裂
  3. 內旋股動脈(medial circumflex femoral artery)斷裂
  4. 股骨頭韌帶(ligament of head of femur)斷裂



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