  • 高點知識達護理師雲端課程
  • 醫師國考基礎‧臨床‧甄試課程
  • 物治師雲端課程
  • 放射師雲端課程
deQuervain's disease ,俗稱「媽媽手」,主要為伸拇短肌 (EPB) 與外展拇長肌 (APL) 肌腱炎。 常見於中 35~55 歲或產後的婦女,女性發生率是男性的 8~10 倍 ( De Quervain's affects women eight to 10 times more often than men) 。



解剖學上,手腕背側有六塊骨頭,其外覆蓋伸肌支持帶(extensor retinaculum),形成背側間隔(dorsal compartments)。第一背側間隔裡所經過的的肌腱是伸拇短肌肌腱(EPB)和外展拇長肌肌腱(APL)。造成媽媽手的病因就是伸肌支持帶變厚,造成管道狹窄,使通過的伸拇短肌肌腱(EPB)和外展拇長肌肌腱(APL)和其外圍的滑膜受到壓迫,引起發炎、腫脹,嚴重時肌腱滑動受限(De Quervains disease is a painful inflammation of specific tendons of the thumb.The swollen tendons and their coverings cause friction within the narrow tunnel or sheath through which they pass. The result is pain just below the base of the thumb. It is one of the most common types of tendon lining inflammation)。因為最先是由瑞士醫師De Quervain發現,所以媽媽手原稱為deQuervains disease,即第一背側間隔狹窄性肌腱滑膜炎(stenosing tenosynovitis)。
媽媽手常發生在 35~55 歲或產後的女性,由於操持家務,如擰毛巾、洗衣服,反覆使用拇指和手腕,尤其thumb hyperflexion 或 wrist ulnarl deviation 動作過多;另外,懷孕末期荷爾蒙變化,可引起 synovial sheath 發炎,再加上抱小孩,使得產後女性也易得媽媽手。其他工作如負責端餐盤、打字、彈鋼琴、從事組裝工作的男性,也都是媽媽手的好發人群。
最常見症狀是橈骨莖突處或前臂脹痛(swelling and pain on the side of the wrist at the base of the thumb),尤其thumb flexion+ wrist ulnarl deviation時會令痛楚加劇,可伴有手腕緊繃感及無感力,甚至大拇指活動時有被卡住的現象。嚴重時患者無法做一些精細動作或拿杯子(Thumb motion may be difficult and painful, particularly when pinching or grasping objects)。
若將疑似患者的thumb屈曲到掌面,其餘四指包住拇指,然後將其wrist向尺側方向偏移,若引起劇痛,則Finkelsteins test(+),表示罹患媽媽手的可能性增大了(The test most frequently used to diagnose De Quervains disease is the Finkelstein test. Your doctor will ask you to make a fist with your thumb placed in your palm. when the wrist is suddenly bent toward the outside, the swollen tendons are pulled throughout the tight space. If this movement is painful, you may have De Quervains disease)。
診斷主要靠臨床病史與理學檢查,並不須要X-ray檢查或其他檢驗(Diagnosis is made almost exclusively by history and physical examination alone)。軟組織超音波或X-ray檢查只是用來評估腫脹或鑑別診斷。
在急性期,多休息,應減少拇指和手腕的活動;可以冰敷來減輕疼痛及炎症(Ice may be applied to reduce inflammation);24小時戴Splint,將wrist固定在neutral position或wrist固定 extension 15~20°,拇指radial deviation 30°,4~6週(wearing a splint 24 hours a day for four to six weeks to immobilize the affected area and refraining from any activities that aggravate the condition.)。口服NSAID(such as naproxen or ibuprofen)減輕疼痛,或在疼痛部位注射類固醇,但長久使用可能會造成血糖升高,引起肌腱斷裂的危險,或繼發細菌感染。

在亞急性期,腫脹逐漸消退,但仍伴少許疼痛,這時可使用NSAID藥止痛,並做局部熱敷、超音波、電療、深層按摩(deep friction massage)等物理治療,以消除炎症,減少疤痕組織形成。

在慢性期,拇指用力時會出現無力感,此時持續局部熱敷和按摩,並且復健治療(an exercise program to strengthen your thumb and wrist)。若保守療法效果不佳或是反覆發作,可考慮在門診做外科手術(If de Quervains disease does not respond to conservative medical treatment, surgery may also be recommended),局麻後,將第一背側間隔的腱鞘切除,以消除肌腱在腱鞘中磨損(Surgical release of the tight sheath eliminates the friction that worsens the inflammation, restoring the tendons smooth gliding capability),但手術過程應小心,勿傷及橈神經。
做家務工作(workplace tasks)時,姿勢要正確,抱嬰兒時,盡量將五指併攏,手掌與手腕呈水平狀,以平均分攤嬰兒的重量,避免力度都集中在手腕,也應避免手腕過度向尺側移動。
1.腱鞘囊腫是上肢最常見的良性腫瘤,它最常見的位置是在:< 96-2-4 >
  1. 手腕背側中間
  2. 手腕腹橈側(volar radial site)
  3. 掌骨彎曲皺摺(metacarpal flexion crease)
  4. 末端指尖關節背側

2.de Quervain’s disease 是指那兩條肌腱在腕部發生發炎病變? < 97-2-59 >
  1. 外展拇長肌腱及伸拇短肌腱
  2. 屈指長肌腱及伸拇短肌腱
  3. 屈指長肌腱及外展拇長肌腱
  4. 外展拇長肌腱及伸指長肌腱

3.DeQuervain’s disease中是那二條肌腱被扼緊(entrapment)? < 100-1-77 >
  1. Abductor pollicis longus和extensor pollicis longus
  2. Abductor pollicis brevis和extensor pollicis longus
  3. Abductor pollicis longus和extensor pollicis brevis
  4. Abductor pollicis brevis和extensor pollicis brevis



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