板機指(Trigger finger),又稱彈響指,正式醫學名稱是“手指屈肌腱狹窄性肌腱鞘炎”(stenosing tenosynovitis of the flexor tendons)。患者在彎曲手指時,肌腱在掌指關節(MP Joint)附近受到橫向韌帶滑車系統(retinacular pulley system)的束縛,當用手去扳動手指的時候,它會像扣板機的情況突然彈起,因此得名(The label of trigger finger is used because when the finger unlocks, it pops back suddenly, as if releasing a trigger on a gun)。
最常發生在拇指,其次依序是無名指、中指、小指、食指的A1 pulley。主要是肌腱與腱鞘因過度磨擦而產生炎症,進一步形成結節,手指彎曲後肌腱就卡住而手指伸不直(Trigger finger is a common disorder of later adulthood characterized by catching, snapping or locking of the involved finger flexor tendon, associated with dysfunction and pain.A disparity in size between the flexor tendon and the surrounding retinacular pulley system, results in difficulty flexing or extending the finger)。
原因包括先天性板機指,可能與壓胎現象有關;後天性板機指與急性手指拉扭傷、從事工作時之創傷,或腫瘤、感染、炎症、RA、Gout、DM或代謝性的疾病有關。板機指也可以是特發性的,即原因不明。一般認為,長期手指重複、快速地用力的做事可引起肌腱與腱鞘發生損傷、水腫、血液循環不良,若又必須經常接觸涼水,引起血管收縮,則加重手指的血運障礙,從而發生板機指(Trigger finger may be caused by highly repetitive or forceful use of the finger and thumb. Medical conditions that cause changes in tissues such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout or diabetes--may also result in trigger finger. Prolonged, strenuous grasping, such as with power tools, may also aggravate the condition)。
好發年齡層一般在約30~35歲婦女,其中20~25%患者可同時合併媽媽手(de Quervains disease)或腕隧道症候群(Carpal tunnel syndrome)一起出現;另外,還好發在1/4新生兒身上,以拇指多見,病因不明,臨床上可以見到患兒手指一直持續彎曲,無法伸直,而非僵硬嵌頓感。
最早出現的症狀是早晨或勞累後感到手掌之掌指關節處酸痛感(One of the first symptoms may be soreness at the base of the finger or thumb),彎曲手指後竟無法伸直,或必須用手將手指掰開(Instead of a smooth, continual closure, the digit stutters, then snaps closed. The closure is frequently associated with pain at the base of the digit on the palm of the hand)。情況嚴重時疼痛可放射到肘、肩處,病情到最後可導致關節攣縮(Joint contractures may eventually occur)。
診斷主要靠臨床病史與理學檢查,並不須要X-ray檢查或其他檢驗(Diagnosis is made almost exclusively by history and physical examination alone),但須要與RA與腱鞘囊腫相互鑑別。腱鞘囊腫是由關節囊或肌腱韌帶腱鞘所長出來的水瘤,好發在手腕背面的一種無痛性的半球形腫塊,表面光滑飽滿,與皮膚無粘連,有彈性及囊性感,壓之有酸脹感。
- 一般治療:
適當休息;職能治療或物理治療訓練,若沒有完全卡住,可藉由牽拉(Stretching)來恢復正常,並佩戴適當手部護木(splinting),以保持指掌關節在正確位置;冰敷可以減輕疼痛(ice);口服NSAID消炎藥,如naproxen、ibuprofen、diclofenac等,可以減輕肌腱發炎反應(anti-inflammation treatments can be helpful);其他尚有針灸(Acupuncture)。
- 類固醇:
急性期注射類固醇可起到較好的效果,但長久使用可能會造成血糖的升高,引起肌腱的斷裂的可能,或繼發細菌感染;一半以上患者局部注射少量的類固醇於肌腱鞘內可以起到不錯的效果(The most rapidly effective treatment is a local cortisone injection around the affected tendon)。一般而言,注射兩次以上而未能痊癒者,最好予手術治療,移除發炎或斑痕組織(When a trigger finger persists after two injections and is not responsive to the above treatments, surgical procedures to ultimately remove the inflamed or scarred tissue are considered)。另外,以離子穿透(Iontophoresis)或超音波穿透(phonophoresis)方式將steroid傳輸藥物至局部皮下組織(Phonophoresis is the use of ultrasound to enhance the delivery of topically applied drugs while;Ultrasound with an anti-inflammatory dexamethasone cream),以達到止痛目的。
- 手術:
把橫向韌帶切開,使肌腱可自由滑動是主要目的。手術過程一般在局部麻醉下進行,傷口1~2公分,安全有效,不易復發。最新一項研究指出,手術後+類固醇注射是治療板機指最符合成本效益的方法 ( One recent study in the Journal of Hand Surgery suggests that the most cost-effective treatment is two trials of corticosteroid injection, followed by open release of the first annular pulley )。