霧霧症(Moyamoya disease)是一種慢性進行腦血管阻塞性疾病,主要是因為兩側頸內動脈(Internal carotid artery,ICA)發生狹窄、阻塞、或栓塞,使腦組織代償性血管增生,形成許多細小側枝循環或微血管,在X-ray上看似毛玻璃狀表現。細小側枝循環管細壁薄,容易發生出血(hemorrhage)、動脈瘤形成(aneurysm)或栓塞(thrombosis)。最近研究指出,本疾病的缺陷基因位於第3號染色體p24.2~p26與第17號染色體q25.3的位置上。
ICA起自頸總動脈(Common carotid artery,CCA),約在第四頸椎水準分出來的,其行徑分為頸段、岩段、海綿竇段和前床突上段。
ICA的主要分支包括大腦前動脈(ACA)、大腦中動脈(MCA)、脈絡叢前動脈(供應蒼白球大部分、內囊後支、大腦腳、海馬、視束、外側膝狀核)、後交通動脈(連結頸內動脈和椎-基底動脈)、眼動脈(供應眼部),供應大腦半球前3/5(顳葉、額葉、頂葉、基底節)和眼等組織。腦內有豐富的血管吻合支,側支也很多,若某支動脈閉塞,可通過吻合支供血,例如ICA完全閉塞,就可經由椎-基底動脈支援其血液供應,以保證腦組織的正常功能。(ICA travels from the neck up inside the skull just under the brain in the cavernous sinus. At the Circle of Willis, the ICA flows into the middle cerebral artery, which continues into the brain, and the anterior cerebral artery, which is part of the Circle of Willis. When the ICA becomes completely blocked, the fine collateral circulation that it supplies is obliterated. Patients often survive on the collateral circulation from the back (posterior) of the Circle of Willis, from the basilar artery)。
ICA的海綿竇段和前床突上段合稱虹吸部,是動脈硬化的好發部位。一旦血栓形成後,如果側支代償良好,可全無明顯症狀。若側枝血液不良,可表現為TIA症狀或大腦中動脈或大腦前動脈缺血症狀,對側偏癱及偏身感覺障礙、雙眼對側同向偏盲、失語症、一過性失明。Moyamoya常可累及大腦前動脈與大腦中動脈(Moyamoya disease often extends to the middle and anterior cerebral arteries)。
目前沒有確定的病因,男性占1/3(a third of those affected are male),好發日本及韓國人種,尤其是日本,約佔10%。
研究揭露,10%Moyamoya disease是原發性,與第3、6、17染色體異常有關,屬
常染色體隱性遺傳模式;繼發性Moyamoya與其他疾病有關,如Down syndrome、sickle cell disease or neurofibromatosis (Moyamoya can be either congenital or acquired. Patients with Down syndrome, neurofibromatosis, or sickle cell disease can develop Moyamoya malformations)。研究指出,神經母細胞瘤患兒,接受放射治療會增加Moyamoya發病風險(Brain radiation therapy in children with neurofibromatosis increases the risk of its development)。此外,根據研究發現,Moyamoya患者,其抗EB virus滴度明顯升高,且EBV DNA(+),因此,提示該病可能與EBV感染有關。
Moyamoya disease較多發病再15歲以下兒童或30~40歲成年人(It is a disease that tends to affect children and adults in the third to fourth decades of life)。根據統計,日本兒童發病年齡約5歲,成人好發年齡約36歲,發生率是百萬分之3.5 (0.35 per 100,000);台灣兒童發病年齡9~10歲,成人好發年齡是30~40歲,發生率是百萬分之0. 24(The annual incidence of this disease in Taiwan is 0.024 per 100,000 population)。
Moyamoya兒童,在cerebral ischemia症狀比較明顯,通常在發病前一週內可出現fever、headaches、vomiting、convulsion等症狀,發病急,首發症狀以癲癇(seizures)為多,或癲癇與偏癱同時出現,癱瘓呈左右兩側交替出現。小孩失語症較成人少見。成人以strokes或bleeding多見(In children it tends to cause strokes or seizures. In adults it tends to cause strokes or bleeding. The clinical features are cerebral ischemia (strokes), recurrent transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), sensorimotor paralysis, convulsions or migraine-like headaches. After an ischemic stroke, a hemorrhagic reperfusion stroke may occur)。
分類 |
徵兆 |
顱內出血型 |
成年人發病以顱內出血(bleeding)多見,突發性劇烈頭痛為主 |
腦梗塞型 |
兒童早期以strokes症狀為主 |
TIA型 |
短暫半身偏癱,反覆發作,可以完全復原;若不注意,後期可造成腦梗塞及神經缺陷,出現肢體運動障礙、智能異常、失語 |
癲癇型 |
兒童早期以seizures症狀為主 |
根據臨床症狀、腦電圖、MRI、傳統腦血管攝影等可以明確診斷。傳統腦血管攝影(Conventional angiography)可清楚觀察腦血管狹窄和煙霧樣變化(puff of smoke),以及日後追蹤可以使用(MRI and MRA should be performed for the diagnosis and follow-up of Moyamoya disease)等。另外
18F[PET]用於腦部葡萄糖代謝、腫瘤偵測。Moyamoya disease影像學有幾方面特點:
- 多數是 ICA 末段狹窄或梗塞,少數是 ACA 或 MCA 近端狹窄或梗塞。
- 雙側病變多見。
- 顱底廣泛的煙霧狀血管影像,常伴有微小動脈瘤或動靜脈畸形。
腦血管重建外科手術,把外頸動脈(external carotid artery)或顳淺動脈(superficial temporal artery)移植到腦表面,改善腦血液循環(Since Moyamoya tends to affect only the internal carotid artery and nearby sections of the adjacent anterior and middle cerebral arteries, surgeons can direct other arteries, such as the external carotid artery or the superficial temporal artery to replace on the surface of the brain to reestablish new circulation)。這些手術方式包括:顳淺動脈與大腦中動脈接合術 (Superficial temporal artery/middle cerebral artery anastomosis,STA/MCA anastomosis),腦、腦膜、顳淺動脈吻合術(Encephaloduroarteriosynangiosis,EDAS)、腦與肌瓣吻合術(Encephalomyosynangiosis,EMS)。根據統計,手術後一個月內4%患者有可發生stroke (there is a 4% risk of stroke soon (30 days) after surgery)。
另外,可以使用藥物進行症狀治療,包括抗血小板藥物(Antiplatelet agents are usually given to prevent clots,如aspirin)、皮質類固醇、血管擴張劑、鈣離子阻斷劑、NSAIDs。