史帝芬-強生症候群(Stevens-Johnson syndrome,SJS)是一種皮膚與黏膜嚴重過敏反應(an immune-complex–mediated hypersensitivity complex that typically involves the skin and the mucous membranes),引起全身表皮細胞死亡,導致真皮與表皮分離(detachment)的一種致命性疾病;累及全身黏膜組織,包括眼、鼻、口、陰道、尿道、胃腸道、下呼吸道等處(significant involvement of oral, nasal, eye, vaginal, urethral, GI, and lower respiratory tract mucous membranes)。引起原因是藥物、感染。史帝芬-強生氏徵候群屬於多型紅斑的一種嚴重型(several investigators propose that Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) represent the same disease at different levels of severity),或中毒性表皮壞死症候群(TEN)的一個較輕微的形式。目前多將由藥物引起者稱史帝芬-強生氏徵候群,由病毒引起者稱多型性紅斑。
【註】 |
患病部位若超過體表面積(BSA) 30%以上,則稱中毒性表皮壞死症候群(Toxic epidermal necrolysis,TEN)。
- Stevens-Johnson syndrome:A "minor form of TEN," with less than 10% body surface area (BSA) detachment
- Overlapping Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis (SJS/TEN):Detachment of 10-30% BSA
- Toxic epidermal necrolysis Detachment of more than 30% BSA
史帝芬-強生氏症候群由兩位美國兒科醫生Albert Mason Stevens及Frank Chambliss Johnson描述,他們在1922年觀察2位7~8歲小朋友皆有發熱、皮疹、頰膜炎症、嚴重結膜炎等表現(an extraordinary, generalized eruption with continued fever, inflamed buccal mucosa, and severe purulent conjunctivitis),因此而被命名。當時兩位小朋友被誤診為hemorrhagic measles。
病因大致包括Infectious(常見於Pediatric cases)、Drug-induced與Malignancy- related (adults and elderly persons)、Idiopathic(25-50%) factors等四部分。
- 感染:一些病毒性疾病(如Herpes simplex virus、AIDS、Coxsackie viral infections、Influenza、Hepatitis、Mumps、Epstein-Barr virus and enteroviruses);細菌性疾病(Group A beta-hemolytic streptococci、Diphtheria、Brucellosis、Lymphogranuloma venereum、Mycobacteria、Mycoplasma pneumoniae、Rickettsial infections、Tularemia);真菌感染(如coccidioidomycosis, dermatophytosis, and histoplasmosis)。
- 藥物:抗生素(如penicillins and sulfa drugs are prominent; ciprofloxacin)、巴比妥鹽(Phenytoin、Carbamazepine、Valproic acid、Barbiturates)、抗癲癇藥物(psychoepileptics)、NSAIDs、抗痛風藥(如Allopurinol)、TNF-α antagonists (如infliximab、etanercept、adalimumab)、古柯鹼(Cocaine)、nevirapine及Indinavir。
- 遺傳:
HLA-B1502 |
in patients of southeastern Asian ethnicity before starting treatment with carbamazepine |
HLA-B5801 |
HLA-B5801confers a risk of allopurinol-related reactions |
HLA-B44 |
Whites with HLA-B44 appear to be more susceptible to develop Stevens-Johnson syndrome |
associated with sulfonamide-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome |
HLA-A2 |
encountered in Stevens-Johnson syndrome induced by NSAIDs |
HLA-A0206、HLA-DQB10601 |
strongly associated with Stevens-Johnson syndrome with ocular disease |
史帝芬-強生氏症候群會先出現類似流感的前驅症狀(Typical prodromal symptoms),包括咳嗽多痰、乏力、頭痛、關節痛(Cough productive of a thick purulent sputum、Headache、Malaise、Arthralgia),接著在面部與軀幹上半部位皮膚出現對稱性皮疹burning rash that begins symmetrically on the face and the upper part of the torso)---靶心狀病灶(target lesions),面積逐漸擴大,隨後出現水皰,可同時伴有眼的症狀(如Red eye、Tearing、Dry eye、Pain、Blepharospasm、Itching、Grittiness、Heavy eyelid、Foreign body sensation、Decreased vision、Burn sensation、Photophobia、Diplopia)。
除在皮膚出現臨床表現外, 史帝芬-強生氏症候群上可累及身體各個部分 Oral mucosa、Esophagus、Pharynx and Larynx、Anus、Trachea、Vagina、Urethra 而出現相應器官表現。
- 嚴重眼部疾病(27-50%):Chronic cicatrizing conjunctivitis、Corneal epithelial defects、Corneal stromal ulcers、Corneal perforation、Endophthalmitis、Blindness);
- 胃腸道:如Esophageal strictures;
- 泌尿生殖道:如Renal tubular necrosis, renal failure, penile scarring, vaginal stenosis;
- 呼吸道:如Tracheobronchial shedding with resultant respiratory failure;
- 表皮:Scarring and cosmetic deformity, recurrences of infection through slow-healing ulcerations;
大部分是對症治療(most patients are treated symptomatically)。由藥物所以起的則必須停用引起過敏的藥物(Withdrawal of the suspected offending agent is critically important),並且靜脈補充水份。必要時可使用類固醇,但可能造成繼發性感染;近來有專家提出化學藥物治療,但有爭議(Immunomodulatory treatment is controversial);如有眼部疾病,應眼科醫生會診。
史帝芬-強生氏症候群約5%的致死率,史可爾登指數(SCORTEN scale)可以去評估SJS及TEN風險死亡率(The SCORTEN score calculates the risk for death in both SJS and TEN on the basis of the following variables):
1 |
Age >40 years |
每一項目 1 分:死亡率計分如下:
- 0-1 points:≧3.2%
- 2 points:≧12.1%
- 3 points:≧35.3%
- 4 points:≧58.3%
- 5 or more points:≧90%
2 |
Malignancy |
3 |
Heart rate >120 |
4 |
Initial percentage of epidermal detachment >10% |
5 |
Serum glucose level >14 mmol/L |
6 |
Blood BUN level >10 mmol/L |
7 |
Bicarbonate level < 20 mmol/L |
8 |
Persistent neutropenia lasting more than 5 days |
9 |
Hypoalbuminemia < 2 g/dL |
10 |
Persistent azotemia |