左半腦的功能 | 右半腦的功能 |
語言、符號、文字、邏輯推理佔優勢 | 繪畫、音樂、形象思維佔優勢 |
失語症 類型 (Type) |
覆誦能力 受損程度 (Repetition) |
命名能力受損程度 (Naming) |
聽覺理解 受損程度 (Auditory comprehension) |
口語表達 流暢程度 (Fluency) |
臨床表現 |
Wernickes aphasia | 輕 ~ 中度 (Mild~ mod) |
輕 ~ 重度 (mild– severe) |
缺失 (defective) |
語句流利,辭不達意 (fluent paraphasic) |
患者可以說一長串無意義的句子,句子中有許多贅字,甚至創造新字,也就是說,患者說話的語句流利,滔滔不絕,且發音清晰,但是他們的說話幾乎沒有內容,且辭不達意。不能理解別人的話語,也無法聽懂自己所說的話(Individuals with Wernicke s aphasia may speak in long sentences that have no meaning, add unnecessary words, and create new words ( neologisms ) .Patients have great difficulty understanding the speech of both themselves and others and are therefore often unaware of their mistakes)。此外,患者書寫和閱讀能力都會受到影響 |
Brocas aphasia | 中 ~ 重度 | 中 ~ 重度 | 輕度困難 | 說話慢,不流利 (non-fluent, effortful, slow) |
患者說每個句子很短,常常停頓、猶豫,發音不清晰;對於形容詞、副詞和冠詞常會省略不說,缺乏文法結構;但語言內容和語意均屬正常,但容易受挫折(frequently speak short, meaningful phrases that are produced with great effort ,a nonfluent aphasia, and often omit small words such as "is", "and", and "the". Individuals with Broca s aphasia are able to understand the speech of others to varying degrees. Because of this, they are often aware of their difficulties and can become easily frustrated |
Nominal or Anomic aphasia | 輕度 | 中 ~ 重度 | 輕度 | 流暢 (fluent) |
無法正確說出一個物品的名稱,稱為 anomia(essentially a difficulty with naming)。“語意錯誤”是指雖然患者說錯物品名稱,但在分類上和正確物品名稱是同一類,比如將椅子說成桌子。“語音錯誤”則是把正確的語音用別的語音代替了,比如將房屋說成房家 |
Conduction aphasia | 差 | 差 | near normal | 流暢 (fluent) |
可能是由於弓狀束(Arcuate fasciculus)部位損傷,導致語言理解與語言產生之間連結的缺失所致(Conduction aphasia is caused by deficits in the connections between the speech- comprehension and speech- production areas. This might be caused by damage to the arcuate fasciculus)。主要特徵是明顯的複誦障礙及命名上的困難,但卻有不錯的聽覺和閱讀理解能力 |
Global aphasia | 差 | 差 | 差 | 差 | 在語言接收或表達方面,包括命名、複誦、聽覺理解、閱讀理解和書寫能力都嚴重損傷 |