今日案例: 患者,男,60歲,因無痛性血尿3天就診。 |
觸診 | 腹部觸診、肛門指診、陰道檢查 |
尿液檢查 | 可用以明確或鑑別以下幾種情況: (1) 泌尿道是否有感染; (2) 血尿的程度; (3) 若是腎炎,則有紅血球圓柱體 (cast) ; (4) 若懷疑是血絲蟲病所致,則可能有蟲卵; (5) 細菌培養; (6) 結核菌檢查 |
尿細胞學檢查 | 觀察尿液中是否有癌細胞。細胞學檢查特異性很強,但敏感性不高 (Cytology is very specific but suffers from low sensitivity),也就是說,檢查結果若是 negative ,也不能排除膀胱癌的診斷 |
腫瘤標誌物 | 如human complement factor H-related protein、high-molecular-weight carcinoembryonic antigen(CEA)、 nuclear matrix protein 22 (NMP22) |
膀胱鏡 + 切片 | 確實檢查膀胱癌的位置、大小,並同時作切片後病理學檢查來確診(The gold standard for diagnosing bladder cancer is biopsy obtained during cystoscopy),也可藉膀胱鏡做膀胱沖洗細胞學檢查。顯微鏡觀察取下組織,最常見的癌組織是移形上皮癌(transitional cell carcinoma)(90%),鱗狀細胞癌僅占6%,罕見腺癌。 |
靜脈腎盂攝影(IVP) | 將顯影劑由靜脈注入體內,再利用X-ray來檢查腎臟、輸尿管及膀胱,一方面可對尿道結石及泌尿系統疾病做鑑別,另一方面可瞭解膀胱腫瘤的位置、大小,以及是否有尿路梗阻 |
CXR | 檢查肺部異常,如膀胱癌細胞已侵犯至膀胱的肌肉層,則可能轉移至肺部 |
CT | 可顯示膀胱及鄰近器官,如輸尿管、淋巴結及盆腔臟器的異常情況 |
MRI | 可檢查輸尿管、淋巴結及盆腔臟器的異常;也可顯示膀胱壁變厚的部分 |
骨掃描 | 癌細胞已侵犯至膀胱肌肉層時,則可能轉移至骨骼 |
stage | 侵犯組織深度及其它部位 | 治療 |
第0期 | 癌細胞局限於黏膜層,尚未侵犯肌肉層 (Cancer cells are found only on the inner lining of the bladder) | 以經尿道切除手術或電燒即可,最好在膀胱內藥物灌注(如 BCG 或 Valrubicin ,後者可用於 BCG 治療無效時);並且建議每 3 個月追蹤膀胱鏡檢查,2 年後改每半年檢查一次,再 2 年後改為每年檢查一次 |
第1期 | 癌細胞侵犯到黏膜下層,但尚未侵犯到尚未侵犯肌肉層 (Cancer cells have proliferated to the layer beyond the inner lining of the urinary bladder but not to the muscles of the urinary bladder) | 同上所述 (Superficial tumors can be "shaved off" using an electrocautery device attached to a cystoscope . Immunotherapy in the form of BCG instillation is also used to treat and prevent the recurrence of superficial tumors ) ; Instillations of chemotherapy , such as valrubicin (Valstar) into the bladder can also be used to treat BCG-refractory CIS disease when cystectomy is not an option |
第2期 | 癌細胞侵犯至膀胱壁肌肉層 (Cancer cells have proliferated to the muscles in the bladder wall but not to the fatty tissue that surrounds the urinary bladder) | 經尿道能完全切除腫瘤,且病理結果顯示癌細胞分化良好,則可採取第 1 期時的治療與追蹤,倘若切除不完全或癌細胞分化不良,則須採取第 3 期的治療方法 |
第3期 | 癌細胞已侵犯至膀胱壁肌肉層,且深入膀胱周圍的脂肪層,並可能擴散到附近器官,如陰道、子宮、攝護腺,但未擴散到淋巴結 (Cancer cells have proliferated to the fatty tissue surrounding the urinary bladder and to the prostate gland, vagina, or uterus, but not to the lymph nodes or other organs) | 內視鏡手術已無法完全切除腫瘤,必須改採以其他綜合治療,包括放射線治療、化學藥物治療、手術治療。手術治療則以膀胱切除,再以一段大腸或小腸來取代膀胱的手術方式進行 (Tumors that infiltrate the bladder require cystectomy . In some cases, a substitute bladder (a neobladder) from a segment of intestinal tissue can be created) |
第4期 | 癌細胞深入膀胱壁各層,並擴散到腹腔、轉移到淋巴結(最常見是 Hypogastric lymph node)或遠處器官(骨、肺)(Cancer cells have proliferated to the lymph nodes, pelvic or abdominal wall, and/or other organs) | 以放射線治療或化學藥物治療 (A combination of radiation and chemotherapy can be used to treat invasive disease) |