今日案例: 10 天大男童,出生體重為2,050 公克,出生週數為34 週,因腹脹求診,身體診查顯示倦怠、活力不佳… |
敘述 【此題目來自考選部】
10 天大男童,出生體重為2,050 公克,出生週數為34 週,因腹脹求診,身體診查顯示倦怠、活力不佳。血液檢查:白血球9,250/μL(segment 15%,band form 22%,lymphocyte 30%,monocyte 1%,eosinophil 1.2%),血紅素為15 g/dL,血小板220,000 /μL。ALT 77 U/L、AST 72 U/L。腹部外觀、X光、大便如圖所示
壞死性小腸結腸炎(Necrotizing enterocolitis,NEC)
壞死性小腸結腸炎(Necrotizing enterocolitis,NEC)是一種發生在早產兒的常見病,除可能引起腸壞死之外,嚴重時會有生命危險,是早產兒第二常見死亡原因。根據統計,出生越早的嬰兒,越容易得NEC(the timing of its onset is generally inversely proportional to the gestational age of the baby at birth),而體重低於1500克的新生兒(very low-birth-weight infants),也有5%-10%罹患NEC的可能。NEC最常發生在回腸遠端和結腸近端(回盲瓣附近),小腸很少受累,腹部X光可見部分腸壁囊樣積氣等特點。
NEC初期症狀包括餵養不耐受(feeding intolerance)、胃殘留物增多(increased gastric residuals)、腹脹(abdominal distension)、便血(bloody stools)。症狀可迅速惡化,引起腸穿孔(intestinal perforation)、腹膜炎(and peritonitis)。NEC可藉Bell三步驟來診斷,初期診斷是往往根據醫師經驗來判斷,臨床確診則需要影像學檢查來協助(Specific radiographic signs of NEC are associated with specific Bells stages of the disease):
Bells stage 1 |
Suspected disease |
- Mild systemic disease (apnoea, bradycardia, temperature instability)
- Mild intestinal signs (abdominal distention, gastric residuals, bloody stools)
- Non-specific or normal radiological signs
Bells stage 2 |
Definite disease |
- Mild to moderate systemic signs
- Additional intestinal signs (absent bowel sounds, abdominal tenderness)
- Specific radiologic signs (pneumatosis intestinalis or portal venous air)
- Laboratory changes (metabolic acidosis, thrombocytopaenia)
Bells stage 3 |
Advanced disease |
- Severe systemic illness (hypotension)
- Additional intestinal signs (striking abdominal distention, peritonitis)
- Severe radiologic signs (pneumoperitoneum)
- Additional laboratory changes (metabolic and respiratory acidosis, disseminated intravascular coagulation)