理論 | 內容 |
Anxiety and stress theory | 研究顯示,可能與 anxiety, stress, hyperresponsiveness, and panic 有關 |
Genes theory | 尿中某種物質引起膀胱產生抗增值因數,抑制膀胱上皮細胞增殖(An antiproliferative factor(APF) secreted by the bladders of IC patients which inhibits bladder cell proliferation, thus possibly causing the missing bladder lining) |
Autoimmune theory | Oravisto 觀察 54 名女性患者中,85% 抗核抗體(ANA)陽性 |
Leaky Bladder Lining theory | 研究顯示(leaky lining theory),患者的膀胱黏膜 GAG 層(glycosaminoglycan layer)遭受某因素破壞後損傷,進一步刺激黏膜下神經,引起膀胱疼痛,或急尿症狀(a defect in the bladder epithelium lining allows irritating substances in the urine to penetrate into the bladder;Deficiency in this glycosaminoglycan layer on the surface of the bladder results in increased permeability of the underlying submucosal tissues)。GAG 層中的 GP51 是一種醣蛋白,可防止尿中有毒物質及鉀離子滲入膀胱上皮粘膜下,據研究指出,間質性膀胱炎時,GP51 明顯下調(GP 51 is a urinary glycoprotein that functions as a protective barrier to the bladder wall. A study evaluated urinary GP 51 levels in patients with and without interstitial cystitis and found that these levels are significantly reduced in patients with the disease) |
Mast cells theory | 患者的膀胱組織病理結果顯示肥大細胞大量聚集,提示 IC 疾病與過敏反應有關(Biopsies on the bladder walls of people with IC usually contain mast cells. Mast cells gather when an allergic reaction is occurring. 肥大細胞可釋放組織胺,引起腫脹、疼痛,抑制傷口癒合(Histamine causes pain, swelling, scarring and prevents healing) |
Nerve damage theory | 可能是某些毒素造成膀胱神經受損後,釋放神經多肽物質,引起一系列瀑布放大後之疼痛反應(An unknown toxin or stimulus causes nerves in the bladder wall to fire uncontrollably. When they fire, they release substances called neuropeptides that induce a cascade of reactions that cause pain in the bladder wall) |
- Physical examination |
- Laboratory tests including dipstick urinalysis, routine and special cultures, urine cytology |
- Serum PSA in male patients over the age of 40 years |
- Flowmetry and post-void residual urine volume measure by ultrasound scanning |
- Cystoscopy with biopsy |
方法 | 內容 | ||
avoid diet | Food or drink containing caffeine Citrus fruit and juices acidic food such as tomatoes, vinegar etc. Artificial sweeteners Alcoholic drinks Carbonated drinks/soda hot pepper food |
Rescue instillations | 使用 pentosan polysulfate or heparin, sodium hyaluronate, lidocaine and sodium bicarbonate 所組成的溶液灌注到膀胱內,約有 90% 患者在頻尿及急尿感均可有明顯改善,增加膀胱容量。pentosan polysulfate 類似膀胱黏膜細胞分泌的 GAG,可有效修補膀胱表皮保護膜缺損。灌入此種藥物後需在膀胱內表留約 2hr 不排出,使膀胱表皮得到完全修護。一週治療 2~3 次,持續 12 週。若效果不佳,也可改在膀胱內將超強辣素 Resiniferatoxin(a diterpenoid stimulator of substance P release,RTX)藥物灌注,可讓膀胱神經釋放大量神經傳遞物質,使症狀得到 3~6 個月的緩解,治療膀胱過動及膀胱區疼痛(treat overactive bladder and hypersensitive painful bladder)。灌入此種藥物後需在膀胱內保留約 1/2~1hr 不排出 | ||
Elmiron | 若嫌上述灌注膀胱太過麻煩,可口服用一種類似 heparin 藥,稱為 Elmiron(pentosan polysulphate sodium),100 mg tid,但只 20~30% 有效(Oral pentosan polysulfate is believed to provide a protective coating in the bladder, but studies show it is not statistically significant compared to placebo) | ||
Bladder coatings | 對膀胱擴張療法(Bladder distension)或將 DMSO 灌注膀胱內無效患者,可以嘗試換 Cystistat(sodium hyaluronate)及 Uracyst(chondroitin)灌注膀胱內,可讓藥物彌補 GAG 層缺失。患者需臥床 20~40min,每 10min 翻身一次以讓藥物滲入膀胱內皮下,起更加保護作用 (this treatment may require the patient to lie for 20 ~40 min, turning over every 10 min, to allow the chemical to soak in and give a good coating) | ||
DMSO | 50ml DMSO(Dimethyl sulfoxide)注入膀胱,每週 2 次,每次保留 15min,可減少尿頻症狀方面取得良好效果。
肉毒桿菌毒素 (Botulinum toxin A) |
膀胱壁注射或以膀胱以水擴張後,使膀胱壁出現裂隙時,再灌入肉毒桿菌毒素溶液,作用於膀胱壁上的膽鹼神經末稍,釋放神經傳遞物質有助於膀胱放鬆、容量增大、減少膀胱疼痛 | ||
Bladder distension (gold standard test) |
膀胱鏡下以水擴張檢查法(gold standard test for IC) 除可以當作診斷方法,亦有治療效果。將生理沿水灌住到膀胱內,當膀胱內壓 > 80cmH 2 O ,可見膀胱黏膜有裂隙現象,當把水放流後,除了膀胱可出現明顯的出血點、出血斑、片狀出血之外,可暫時性減輕尿頻或尿痛症狀數週或數個月(success in reducing urinary frequency and giving pain relief to patients;Recent studies showing that pressure on pelvic trigger points can relieve symptoms may be connected) | ||
Neuromodul-ation | 可以使用 TENS、PTNS stimulators、Percutaneous sacral nerve root stimulation (PNS)治療以減輕疼痛致狀 | ||
Surgery | 間質性膀胱炎末期,患者膀胱容量可 < 250 ml,若進一步下降 100 ml 以下的膀胱容量,則有明顯膀胱疼痛,此時可考慮做膀胱部份切除(cystectomy),以小腸或大腸來做膀胱擴大整形手術,術後可增加膀胱容量,改善尿急、尿痛,這是最後不得已的手段(a treatment of last resort when all other treatment modalities have failed and pain is severe) |