小兒外科-Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease-高點醫護網

小兒外科-Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease
Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease即小兒股骨頭缺血性壞死,好發在2~12歲的兒童,主因未成熟的股骨頭血液供應中斷,造成暫時性骨頭壞死,真正原因不明。病理演變分4 stages。Catterall分期法是常用的X-ray診斷標準方法。預後與發病年齡、病史的長短以及正確治療方法有關。
  小兒股骨頭缺血性壞死(Ischemic necrosis of the hip is a form of osteonecrosis of the hip that is found only in children),又稱作Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease(LCPD)、coxa plana、osteochondritis and avascular necrosis of the femoral head,是小兒最常見的骨軟骨病,呈自發性,好發在2~12歲的兒童,平均年齡是6歲(The age of diagnosis is usually between 2 and 12 years old, with the average age of 6),很多小孩是very active and often very athletic。本病的發病率約1/1,200,男多於女,其比例約3:1。單側發病佔絕大多數,以左側多見,雙側發病僅占5%( Of those children, only about one in four are girls. About 5% of all diagnosed develop the disease in both hips),病程約2~4年。主要因未成熟的股骨頭(Femoral head)血液供應中斷,導致缺血,造成暫時性骨頭壞死,真正發病原因不明。
  1. 矮小活動力大的小兒(children who are small for their age and are extremely active);
  2. 種族:此病多見於亞洲人、愛斯基摩人、白種人(Asians, Eskimos, and Whites);
  3. 吸二手煙(Exposure to secondhand smoke);
  本病病理演變分成4 stages,包括缺血期(Initial phase)、碎裂期(Fragmentation phase)、再生期(Rreossification phase)和癒合期(Healed phase)。
stageⅠ Femoral head becomes more dense with possible fracture of supporting bone
stageⅡ Fragmentation and reabsorption of bone
stageⅢ Reossification when new bone has regrown
stageⅣ Healing, when new bone reshapes
  一般在phaseⅠ及Ⅱ、5歲以前發病者,且在治療開始時,股骨頭仍保持圓形者,預後良好。若phase Ⅲ、Ⅳ、病程超過1. 5年以上,即使做Osteotomy,效果也不好。
  疾病初期,肢體容易疲勞,但跛行或疼痛可能都不明顯(They may not even experience much pain);值得注意的是,早期小兒Hip joint之Abduction及Rotation活動就會受到影響,Hip joint前方有壓痛,疼痛可放射到Knee joint(The first symptoms characterized in LCPD are usually a limp and perhaps a referred pain in the hip, groin, or knee),並且沿Femorus長軸敲擊時,髖部可感到疼痛。隨著疾病進展,痛性跛行就明顯了。為了減輕疼痛而避免行走,久而久之,臀肌及大腿肌肉出現廢用性萎縮 thigh muscle atrophy,最後Hip joint之Flexion and Inversion及扁平髖的形成,造成患側下肢縮短。
  診斷有賴於放射影像學檢查(Initial diagnosis will require an x-ray, MRI or bone scan)與理學檢查(Other diagnostic measures include tests for limitation of abduction, a measurement of the thigh to determine muscle atrophy, and tests to determine the childs range of motion)。
  1. Hip joint結核:有全身症狀,結核可累及股骨頭、髖臼及股骨頸,並且引起關節腔積液及關節囊腫脹。而Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease(LCPD)則為軟骨下無菌壞死性病變,以壞死骨密度增高、變形,繼發Hip joint骨關節炎,不會有明顯的關節積液或膿腫形成,無全身症狀。
  2. Hip joint滑膜炎:暫時性的滑膜炎無異常的骨X-ray表現。99mTc掃描可供鑑別,LCPD的99m Tc攝入減少。
  1. 將股骨頭受壓降至最小,以減少Hip joint勞損(to reduce hip irritability);
  2. 保持Hip joint良好的活動度(restore and maintain hip mobility);
  3. 讓股骨頭位於髖臼內,保護股骨頭(to prevent the ball from extruding orcollapsing);
  4. 使股骨頭逐漸恢復球形結構(to regain a spherical femoral head); 據觀察發現,未經治療的LCPD,約有1/3患者股骨頭會變扁畸形,日後容易形成退化性關節炎,甚至最後要人工Hip joint置換。
  • 非手術治療:目前常采各種類型的Abduction支架來治療,如BobechkoAbduction支架、TachdjianAbduction支架。這些支架都是將Hip joint維持在Abduction內旋位,可將股骨頭穩穩的hold在髖臼中;另外,還得要求患者下地行走,以保持Hip joint良好的活動度。在家可以進行ROM exercises
  • 手術治療:有“股骨頭危險徵”者,做粗隆間或粗隆下截骨術(Osteotomy: cutting the bone to reposition it)是最有效的治療方法。截骨術可使股骨上段發生充血,並且可縮短骨骺壞死的癒合過程。一般認為在7歲以下手術療效較好,但手術的缺點是肢體縮短。
  預後與發病年齡、病史的長短以及正確治療方法有關,而年齡小,骨頭重塑性好,在本病中扮演一個重要預後因素(age can play an important role in the prognosis of the disease. New bone growth typically reshapes better in younger children and it may improve with growth)。為了判定疾病嚴重程度、預後和決定治療方法( these classification is provided an accurate method of determining prognosis and help in determining the appropriate form of treatment),有許多常用的X-ray診斷標準方法,如Salter-Thomson Classification、Herring Classification,但常用且具有代表性的還是Catterall分期法(Catteral Classification)。Catterall分期法所依據的影像學表現(Radiographic Findings)有四方面:
initial findings
  1. 股骨頭骨化中心亦較小(ossific nucleus fails to grow and looks smaller);
  2. 骨骺密度增高(surrounding bone may become osteopenic, causing nucleus to look more dense);
  3. 股骨頭周圍滑膜炎造成關節內壓力增高,且因骨化中心停止發育而內側的軟骨細胞發生增殖,促使內側關節間隙增寬(cartilage of femoral head continues to grow and therefore medial joint space looks widened);
  4. 股骨頭外移,髖臼邊緣持續壓迫股骨頭,股骨頭承受過多的載荷,造成病理性骨折,在Hip jointAbduction位X-ray上看得更清楚( represents pathologic frx of resorbing femoral head)
  5. crescent sign (Caffeys sign) may be seen;
avascular stage 骨化中心小而密度增高(ossific nucleus is small, dense, and uniform)
fragmentation stage 股骨頭出現軟骨下透亮區,是壞死區的骨折線,一般以骨骺前外側部是最先壞死處。骨碎片之間空隙,使空氣進入骨折線內而顯影,稱“骨骺內氣體徵”。股骨頭開始變扁,骺部增粗,並出現骨質疏鬆現象
  1. epiphysis is seen to fragment;
  2. the dense avascular bone is replaced by radiolucent granulation tissue;
re-ossification stage 在修復過程,X-ray上可以看到骨壞死、骨吸收、新骨沉積等共存現象。股骨頭若無變形,也可逐漸恢復光整外緣;但如果股骨頭變形,髖臼會變扁變淺,可發生半脫位
  1. radiodense areas replace radiolucent areas;
  2. normal bone density returns;
  有所謂“股骨頭危險徵(head at risk)”的患者一定要及時治療,無法自愈。股骨頭危險徵包括:肥胖、Hip joint內收攣縮而活動受限、在X-ray上顯示“Gage sign”、股骨頭向外半脫位、橫向生長骨骺板、骨骺外側鈣化、囊腫等等(radiographic findings associated with poor prognosis "head at risk":lateral subluxation (most important)、calcification lateral to the epiphysis、Gages sign: V shaped defect laterally、metaphyseal cysts、horizontal growth plate)。

(註) Gage sign:a small osteoporotic region on radiographs that forms a transradiant V on the lateral side of the epiphysis, which is one of the radiographic signs in Legg Calv Perthes disease indicating a capital femoral epiphysis at risk of collapse。
1.一位7歲小孩,媽媽注意到他最近1個月有跛腳現象(limping),而且不太走路,理學檢查發現他的右Hip joint(hip)在外旋(external rotation)時活動受限,醫師懷疑他罹患Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease,下列何項檢查對此病的早期診斷最有助益?< 98-2-9 >
  1. computed tomography scan(CT scan)
  2. magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)
  3. plain radiography
  4. technetium-99 methylene diphosphate bone scan

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