- 生化考後影音解析
- 千變萬變,唯有王峰不變
- 醫師國考考後優
- 3/13前憑獨享優惠
- 國外醫師甄試金榜優惠
- 4/30前憑證獨享優惠
- 生理考點剖析
- 機轉天后何宣考題講解
- 醫學系必修課
- 114醫師春班全新開課
- 考前必讀精選題
- 基礎醫學/臨床醫學
- 模考線上測驗
- 考前練題試身手
- 小龍醫師教學館
- 時事考點醫把罩
- 細菌構造、生理、新陳代謝、遺傳、致病機制(structure physiology, metabolism, genetics, mechanisms of bacterial pathogenesis)
- 抗生素及化學治療(antibiotics and chemotherapy)
- 革蘭氏陽性細菌(Gram-positive bacteria)
- 革蘭氏陰性細菌(Gram-negative bacteria)
- 分枝桿菌(mycobacteria)
- 厭氧菌(anaerobes)
- 軍團菌屬(legionella)、黴漿菌(mycoplasma)、披衣菌(chlamydia)、立克次體(rickettsia)、螺旋體屬(spirochaete)
- 病毒的分類、構造、複製(viral classifications, structure, replication)
- 病毒致病的機制(mechanisms of viral pathogenesis)
- 抗病毒藥物及病毒性疾病的實驗室診斷(antiviral agents and laboratory diagnosis of viral disease)
- DNA病毒(DNA viruses)
- RNA病毒(RNA viruses)
- 反轉錄病毒(retroviruses)
- 肝炎病毒(hepatitis viruses)
- 普里昂及其他病毒(prion and miscellaneous viruses)
- 病毒在疾病的角色(role of viruses in diseases)
- 酵母菌(yeasts)
- 黴菌(molds)
- 抗黴菌藥物及化學治療(antifungal agents and chemotherapy)
- 新興及再現病原體(emerging and reemerging pathogens)
- 感染症的新穎處置(novel approaches in infectious diseases)
(一)免疫系統的組成部分(components of the immune system)
(二)先天性及後天性免疫(innate and adaptive immunity)
(三)抗原辨認(antigen recognition)
(四)B及T淋巴球的發展(development of B- and T-lymphocytes)
(五)細胞性免疫反應(cell mediated immune responses)
(六)體液性免疫反應(humoral immune responses)
(八)宿主對感染之防衛(host defense against infection)
(十)過敏及過敏反應(allergy and hypersensitivity)
(十一)自體免疫疾病(autoimmune diseases)
(十二)癌症免疫學(cancer immunology)
(十四)疫苗及免疫治療(vaccine and immunotherapy)
(五)病媒節肢動物(arthropods as vectors)
(一)藥理概論(藥理作用機制、藥物吸收、分佈、代謝、排泄、藥物臨床試驗)﹝introduction to pharmacology(mechanism of pharmacological effects, absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion of drugs, clinical trials of drugs)﹞
(二)化學治療(包括抗細菌、抗真菌、抗病毒、抗寄生蟲、抗腫瘤)﹝chemotherapy(including anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-parasite, anti-neoplasm)﹞
(三)血液系統作用藥物(包括免疫抑制或免疫促進劑,造血功能促進劑、抗凝血、抗血栓、抗血小板、降血脂)﹝drugs affecting the hematological system(including immunosuppressants and immunostimulant drugs, hematopoietic drugs, anticoagulants, antithrombotics, antiplatelet agents, lipid lowering agents)﹞
(四)荷爾蒙及荷爾蒙拮抗劑(hormones and hormone antagonists)
(五)腎臟與心血管系統作用藥(drugs affecting the kidney and cardiovascular system)
(六)自主神經系統作用藥物(drugs affecting the autonomic nervous system)
(七)胃腸道與呼吸道作用藥物(drugs affecting the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts)
(八)自泌素與抗發炎藥物(autocrine and anti-inflammatory drugs)
(九)中樞神經系統作用藥物、全身麻醉及局部麻醉劑(drugs affecting the central nervous system, general and local anesthetics)
(十)其他(如重金屬、解毒劑、基因療法等)﹝miscellaneous(heavy metals, antidotes, gene therapy, etc.)﹞
(一)細胞傷害、炎症與組織修復(cell injury, inflammation and tissue repair)
(二)免疫、感染及遺傳疾病(diseases of immunity, infectious diseases and genetic disorders)
(四)心臟血管系統疾病(diseases of the cardiovascular system)
(五)血液、淋巴系統疾病(diseases of blood and lymphatic system)
(六)呼吸系統疾病(diseases of the respiratory system)
(七)消化系統疾病(diseases of the digestive system)
(八)腎臟、泌尿道及內分泌疾病(diseases of the kidney, lower urinary tract and endocrine system)
(九)生殖系統及乳房疾病(diseases of reproductive system and breast)
(十)神經、肌肉、骨骼系統、眼睛及皮膚疾病(diseases of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems, diseases of the eye and skin)
六、公共衛生學(public health)
(三)公共衛生導論、衛生行政、衛生政策、衛生教育(introduction to public health, health administration, health policy, health education)
(四)職業醫學(occupational medicine)
(五)環境衛生(environmental health)
(六)公共衛生實務、醫療法規、醫院管理、醫學倫理、國際衛生等(practice of public health, medical law and related regulations, hospital management, medical ethics, international health, etc.)
(七)預防醫學(preventive medicine)
- 表列各應試科目命題大綱及參考用書為考試命題範圍之例示,惟實際試題並不完全以此為限,仍可命擬相關之綜合性試題。
- 醫學(一)、醫學(二)所稱之「科目知識及其臨床之應用」,係指與臨床相關之醫學(一)、醫學(二)各子科目之基礎醫學知識。
- 醫學(三)、醫學(四)、醫學(五)、醫學(六)所稱之「及其相關臨床實例與醫學倫理」,係指與醫學(三)、醫學(四)、醫學(五)、醫學(六)各子科目相關之法令、臨床實例與醫學倫理。
- 醫學(三)、醫學(四)、醫學(五)、醫學(六)等科目,其命題亦包括相關之影像醫學、急診醫學、社區醫學之法令、臨床實例與醫學倫理。