髂脛束摩擦症候群(iliotibial band friction syndrome),乃因重複膝蓋彎曲伸直時,膝外側骨性突起(bony protrusion)頻繁摩擦髂脛束(iliotibial band,ITB),進一步引起此束發炎、膝蓋疼痛。
髂脛束是由髖關節的屈肌、伸肌及外展肌群的筋膜匯聚而成的,起自髂脊外側,向下延伸,附著於髕骨、脛骨與股二頭肌腱(The iliotibial band is a thick band of fascia that is formed proximally by the confluence of fascia from hip flexors, extensors, and abductors. The band originates at the lateral iliac crest and extends distally to the patella, tibia, and biceps femoris tendon)。由於此症候群好發於跑步運動員,故又名“跑者膝” ,疼疼尤其在跑下坡路或爬樓梯時會加劇;另外,單車騎士(cyclists)、扁平足、O型腿、都可發生此症後群。
<98-1-68> 下列有關髂脛骨束摩擦症候群(iliotibial band friction syndrome)之敘述,何者有誤?