

如果新生兒出生不久, 眼睛總是淚汪汪的,就算沒哭,好像有流不完的眼淚 ,之後還可能出現紅眼或膿性分泌物 ( purulent discharge ) ,這時就要懷疑新生兒患有先天性鼻淚管阻塞 ( Congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction , CLDO) 疾病了 。

先天性鼻淚管阻塞是兒童眼科門診常見病, 它是指鼻淚管末端開口接近鼻腔處的瓣膜”Hassner瓣膜”,在出生後無法自行打開 ,導致淚液的排出不通暢,造成持續流淚及分泌物增多,兩眼看起來淚汪汪的現象, 時間久了,內側眼角經常有淚痕留著。 若輕壓淚囊處時,可見到黏性液體自淚點流出,有時可合併結膜炎,甚至急性淚囊炎。根據統計, 約有6%的新生兒有鼻淚管阻塞 ,單側或雙側皆可發生,但大部分都可自行緩解。

(CLDO is literally a tear duct that has failed to open at the time of birth. Around 6% of infants have CLDO, usually experiencing a persistent watery eye even when not crying. The condition is also known as dacryostenosis 。 If a secondary infection occurs Dacryocystitis, purulent discharge may be present)


淚液是由眼窩外上方淚腺分泌產生的,主要作用是潤滑角膜和眼球。淚液的排出是由淚小管經淚總管,進入淚囊後排入鼻腔。 淚器組織均由外胚層發育而來, 約在胚胎發育第 3 ~ 4 週時出現,淚腺在胚胎發育第 7 ~ 8 週從上穹窿結膜外側上皮分化而來;第 3 個月左右,這時胚體長約 50mm ,淚腺管開始形成,但上下端是閉鎖的,在第 6 ~ 7 個月時,上方淚小點開通,第 8 個月時下方開口開通, 出生前淚道發育完成,在出生 3 ~ 4 歲時,淚腺發育才告完成。 若發育過程中淚道發生障礙,則可產生淚小點、淚小管或鼻淚管閉鎖等。

(Nasolacrimal apparatus appear in the third to fifth week of embryonic life. The nasolacrimal apparatus gradually forms a cord of epithelium that extends from the eyelids to the nose. Canalization of the cord begins at the punctum in the eyelid during the third month of intrauterine life and extends toward the nose. Incomplete canalization can result in obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct)


所幸,先天性鼻淚管阻塞在生後 6 個月仍有可能自行通開,但需要經常點用抗生素眼藥水,同時淚囊按摩。 按摩的方式是利用食指指腹自上而下,由淚囊往鼻淚管方向按摩,每天數次,每次五 ~ 六下,利用按摩所產生的靜液壓將鼻淚管末端薄膜撐開 ( The aim of massage is to generate enough hydrostatic pressure (downward, toward the nose) to "pop" open any obstruction ) 。若 6 個月以上嬰兒上述方法無效時﹐可行淚囊灌洗術及探針術,甚至矽管留置 ( Double bicanalicular silicone intubation ) 以確保通道順暢,一般需六個月的留置時間 ( Nasolacrimal duct probing may be performed (usually from 6 to 8 months of age) or under general anesthesia in an operating room for older patients. The success rate of probing is higher for younger children. A silastic tube or stent may be employed along with probing to maintain tear duct patency ) 。但少數須淚囊鼻腔吻合術 ( dacryocystorhinostomy ) ,即在淚囊與鼻腔之間重新做一個永久通道;但 因為兒童的鼻骨尚未發育完全,這種手術創傷性較大,會在臉上留疤, 並可能影響幼兒眼眶的發育,所以, 手術時間最好是三歲以後。手術必須在全身麻醉下進行


(Most cases resolve spontaneously, with antibiotics reserved only if conjunctivitis occurs. Lacrimal sac massage has been proposed as helping to open the duct)

(問題來了) 以下試題摘自每年考選部醫師專技考試題目

< 96-1-15 > 先天性鼻淚管阻塞的原因是在那一個部位發生阻塞?

  1. 淚小管
  2. 淚囊
  3. Rosenmuller 氏瓣膜
  4. Hasner 氏瓣膜

< 97-1-19 > 關於淚液的流向,下列何者錯誤?

  1. 淚腺分泌淚液經由淚管( lacrimal ducts )釋入結膜囊( conjunctival sac )
  2. 淚湖( lacrimal lake )中之淚液流入淚點( lacrimal puncta )
  3. 淚小管( lacrimal canaliculi )將淚液導入淚囊( lacrimal sac )
  4. 鼻淚管( nasolacrimal duct )開口於鼻腔之中鼻道( middle meatus )

< 100-1-9 > 幼兒罹患「先天性鼻淚管阻塞」的原因及處理原則,何者錯誤?

  1. 此病是由於鼻淚管的末端薄膜( valve of Hasner )未完全打開
  2. 六個月以內的幼兒,可施以局部按摩合併點抗生素眼藥水
  3. 十二個月以內的幼兒,可施以淚囊鼻腔吻合術來治療
  4. 在保守療法治療一段時間後仍無法成功患者,可施以淚囊灌洗術及探針術

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