肌群 |
名稱 |
Origin |
淺肌群 |
-- |
頸闊肌 |
subcutaneous tissue of infraclavicular and supraclavicular regions |
-- |
胸鎖乳突肌 |
manubrium, |
舌骨下肌群 |
肩胛舌骨肌 |
Upper border of the scapula |
胸骨舌骨肌 |
manubrium of sternum |
胸骨甲狀肌 |
manubrium |
甲狀舌骨肌 |
thyroid cartilage of larynx |
舌骨上肌群 |
二腹肌 |
(1)前腹:digastric fossa (mandible bone) |
下頜舌骨肌 |
Mylohyoid line (mandible) |
頦舌骨肌geniohyoid |
Symphysis menti |
莖突舌骨肌 |
styloid process (temporal) |
深肌群 |
前斜角肌 |
the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae |
中斜角肌 |
後斜角肌 |
肌群 |
名稱 |
Insertion |
淺肌群 |
-- |
頸闊肌 |
base of mandible; skin of cheek and lower lip; angle of mouth; orbicularis oris |
-- |
胸鎖乳突肌 |
mastoid process |
舌骨下肌群 |
肩胛舌骨肌 |
Hyoid bone |
胸骨舌骨肌 |
hyoid bone |
胸骨甲狀肌 |
thyroid cartilage |
甲狀舌骨肌 |
hyoid bone |
舌骨上肌群 |
二腹肌 |
以中間腱附著於舌骨體(Intermediate tendon) |
下頜舌骨肌 |
body of hyoid bone and median raphe |
頦舌骨肌geniohyoid |
hyoid bone |
莖突舌骨肌 |
greater cornu of hyoid bone |
深肌群 |
前斜角肌 |
the first ribs |
中斜角肌 |
the second ribs |
後斜角肌 |
the second ribs |
肌群 |
名稱 |
Action |
淺肌群 |
-- |
頸闊肌 |
拉口角向下,並使頸部皮膚起皺Draws the corners of the mouth inferiorly and widens it (as in expressions of sadness and fright) |
-- |
胸鎖乳突肌 |
Unilaterally: the head inclining to the same side and the face is rotated to the opposite side. Bilaterally: raise the head |
舌骨下肌群 |
肩胛舌骨肌 |
to depress, retract the hyoid bone in swallowing and phonation. |
胸骨舌骨肌 |
胸骨甲狀肌 |
甲狀舌骨肌 |
舌骨上肌群 |
二腹肌 |
參加口腔底組成;固定舌骨;下拉下頜骨,協助張口說話及吞嚥動作 |
下頜舌骨肌 |
頦舌骨肌geniohyoid |
莖突舌骨肌 |
深肌群 |
前斜角肌 |
to elevate the ribs and flex and rotate the cervical vertebral column |
中斜角肌 |
後斜角肌 |
肌群 |
名稱 |
Innervation |
淺肌群 |
-- |
頸闊肌 |
Cervical branch of the facial nerve |
-- |
胸鎖乳突肌 |
Accessory N. |
舌骨下肌群 |
肩胛舌骨肌 |
頸攀 |
胸骨舌骨肌 |
胸骨甲狀肌 |
甲狀舌骨肌 |
舌骨上肌群 |
二腹肌 |
前腹:Trigeminal N.的mandibular N.分 |
下頜舌骨肌 |
Mandibular N.的mylohyoid nerve分 |
頦舌骨肌geniohyoid |
與舌下神經伴行的第1頸神經前支 |
莖突舌骨肌 |
Cervical branch of the facial nerve |
深肌群 |
前斜角肌 |
頸神經前支 |
中斜角肌 |
後斜角肌 |
(註)二腹肌可將頸前三角分割成3塊小三角區(The Digastricus divides the anterior triangle of the neck into three smaller triangles),參考下圖(圖片摘自網路):
- 下頜下三角( Submandibular triangle):又稱二腹肌三角,上界是下頜骨下緣(the lower border of the body of the mandible),下界是二腹肌的前後腹(below by the posterior belly of the Digastricus and the Stylohyoideus, in front by the anterior belly of the Diagastricus),底由下頜舌骨肌(mylohyoid)、舌骨舌肌(hyoglossus)、咽上縮肌構成。此三角內含下颌下腺 submandibular gland、舌下神经、舌神经及下颌舌骨肌支、面动脉、舌动脉。
- 頸動脈三角(carotid triangle):or superior carotid triangle位於胸鎖乳突肌(Sternocleidomastoideus)、肩胛舌骨肌(omohyoideus)和二腹肌後腹(posterior belly of the Digastricus)之間。內有迷走神經、副神經、舌下神經、頸內靜脈及其屬支、頸總動脈及其分支、頸深淋巴結等。
- 舌骨上三角(suprahyoid triangle):又稱頦下三角(submental triangle), 外側是the anterior belly of the Digastricus,內側是the middle line of the neck from the hyoid bone to the symphysis menti,下界是the body of the hyoid bone所形成的區域。
- Mandible
- Stylohyoid m.
- Digastric m.
- Digastric m.
- Submaxillary triangle
- Suprahyoid triangle
- Superior carotid triangle
- Sternocleidomastoid m.
- Occipital triangle
- Omohyoid m.
- Inferior carotid triangle
- Trapezius m.
- Hyoid m.
- Subclavian triangle
- 莖突舌骨肌(stylohyoid muscle)
- 咬肌(masseter muscle)
- 二腹肌前腹(anterior belly of digastric muscle)
- 肩胛舌骨肌(omohyoid muscle)
- 舌下神經發自於延腦之錐體(pyramid)與橄欖(olive)之間
- 舌下神經行經於頸內與頸外動脈(internal and external carotid arteries)之外側
- 舌下神經支配頦舌肌(genioglossal muscle)、莖舌肌(styloglossal muscle)及齶舌肌(palatoglossal muscle)
- 與舌下神經伴行的第一頸神經腹側枝(ventral ramus)支配甲狀舌骨肌(thyrohyoid muscle)
- 第九顱神經
- 第七顱神經
- 下頜神經(mandibular nerve)
- 交感神經(sympathetic nerve)