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  著色性乾皮病大多為常染色體隱性遺傳(an autosomal recessive),因核酸內切酶缺陷,使得受紫外線損傷的DNA無法正常修復所致。
  著色性乾皮病(Xeroderma pigmentosum,XP)最早在1974年由Hebra and Kaposi 二位所描述(XP was first described in 1874 by Hebra and Kaposi)。大多為常染色體隱性遺傳,此乃核酸內切酶缺陷,使得受紫外線損傷的DNA無法正常修復所致(XP is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder of DNA repair in which the ability to repair damage caused by UVlight is deficient),發病率在歐洲是1/25萬,日本較高,為1/4萬;患者平均壽命小於20歲。本病具有暴露處皮膚光敏感、色素改變、皮膚過度角化、容易癌變等特點(It is characterized by photosensitivity, pigmentary changes, premature skin aging, and malignant tumor development)。多見於膚色較深的人種。
  正常情況下,紫外線損傷表皮細胞的DNA可以藉由核酸內切酶切除後,再由DNA聚合酶進行修補,最後連接酶將兩斷端密合即可完成修復工作(Normally, damage to DNA in epidermal cells occurs during exposure to UV light.Normal human being, the damage is first excised by endonucleases. DNA polymerase then repairs the missing sequence, and ligase "seals" the transaction)。然而,著色性乾皮病主要生化缺陷是由於細胞缺乏核酸內切酶,而受日光中紫外線照射誘發形成的嘧啶二聚體(the formation of pyrimidine dimers, namely cyclobutane -pyrimidine dimers and pyrimidine-6-4-pyrimidone photoproducts),無法切除修復(The most common defect in xeroderma pigmentosum is a defect in which nucleotide excision repair (NER) enzymes are mutated, leading to a reduction in or elimination of NER),故在兒童期,暴露皮膚易被誘發癌變,如基底細胞癌(Patients with XP are at a high risk for developing skin cancers, such as basal cell carcinoma);死於癌轉移,最常見是惡性黑色素瘤及鱗狀上皮癌(Multiple basal cell carcinomas and other skin malignancies frequently occur at a young age in those with XP. In fact, metastatic malignant melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma are the two most common causes of death in XP victims)。
  核苷酸切除修復分為迅速的轉錄互補修復(TC-NER)和緩慢的全基因組修復(GG-NER)( Two types of NER exist: transcription and coupled global genome)。正常情況下,當波長290~320nm紫外線照射,導致DNA損傷後,轉錄因數ⅡH (Transcription factor II H,TFIIH)即被啟動,並與DNA損傷點結合,促使DNA修復蛋白與之結合,形成穩定的DNA-蛋白質複合物,然後TFIIH被解離後,進一步去啟動核苷酸切除修復過程。

  目前已知有7個著色性乾皮病修復基因(Seven xeroderma pigmentosum repair genes, XPA through XPG, have been identified),如下表,其中XPA在damage-sensing phase扮演重要角色。
修復蛋白 功能
XPA 保證蛋白複合體進入正確的位置
XPC 及 XPE 用來識別 DNA 光產物(一般只在 GGR 過程中發揮作用)
XPB 及 XPD 是 TFII 蛋白複合體的組成部分,用以打開光產物附近的 DNA 雙螺旋結構
XPG 及 XPF 切掉損傷區域 DNA 的任何一端並將其切除,代替以完整 DNA
  在遺傳上,7種互補型基因 (XPA~XPG)皆與核苷酸切除修復有關(nucleotide excision repair,NER),因切除修復基因缺陷,引起相應蛋白異常,導致NER無法正常進行;另有1種變異型(XPV)基因,但其具有正常NER,只因編碼DNA多聚酶-η的基因突變而造成著色性乾皮病。
分型 致病基因
typeA XPA 9q22.3 XPA 型細胞互補 DNA 修復蛋白
typeB XPB(ERCC3) 2q21 TFIIH 轉錄因數複合體螺旋酶 XPB 亞單位
typeC XPC 3p25 XPC 型細胞互補 DNA 修復蛋白
typeD XPD(ERCC6) 19q13.2 TFIIH 轉錄因數複合體螺旋酶 XPD 亞單位
【註】 當 typeD 缺陷,可引起 DeSanctis-CacchioneSyndrom,表現為 XP 合併出現神精學方面異常(the combination of xeroderma pigmentosum and neurologic abnormalities (including mental retardation and cerebellar ataxia), hypogonadism, and dwarfism)
typeE XPE(DDB2) 11p11 DNA 損傷結合蛋白 ― Ⅱ
typeF XPF(ERCC4) 16p13.2 DNA 修復核酸內切酶 ― F
typeG XPG(ERCC5) 13q33 XPG 型細胞互補 DNA 修復蛋白
typeV XPV(POLH) 6p21 DNA 聚合酶 ― Ⅶ
【註】 紫外線造成 DNA 突變, DNA 多聚酶 - η 在複製過程中能夠繞過 DNA 光產物,保證 DNA 複製過程的正常進行 (mutation in a gene that codes for a specialized DNA polymerase called polymerase- η (eta) . Polymerase- η can replicate over the damage and is needed when cells enter S-phase in the presence of a DNA-replication)
幼兒時期短時間暴露在紫外線下可造成嚴重曬傷,並且會出現雀斑、水泡(Severe sunburn, blistering or freckling when exposed to only small amounts of sunlight during a childs first exposure to sunlight)
起初眼睛畏光及結膜炎(photophobia and conjunctivitis),之後可出現眼瞼外翻(Ectropion)、眼球沾黏(symblepharon),眼瞼出現日光性黑子(Eyelid solar lentigines)、血管翳(vascular pterygia) 等諸多表現
乾燥粗糙皮膚(Scaly skin, dry skin, solar keratoses)
皮膚黑色斑點(Irregular dark spots on the skin)
角膜潰瘍(Corneal ulcerations)
20% 可出現神經系統異常表現,多見於 XPA 及 XPD 變異者,可引起小頭畸形(microcephaly)、僵直(spasticity)、反射減弱(hyporeflexia)或消失(areflexia)、感音性耳聾(sensorineural deafness)、共濟失調(ataxia)、舞蹈症(chorea)、認知障礙(cognition problem)、語言障礙、智力障礙(mental retardation)等
  基因診斷是 XP 診斷及分型的金標準。通過對基因的篩查,多數可以找到基因突變位點。



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